Cashew Cream (Recipe + How to Use it!) (2024)

Cashew cream is an easy 2-ingredient recipe that you can use as a dairy-free alternative in a variety of ways. I’m going to show you how to quickly make it, and my favorite 5 ways to use it below. It will become a household staple once you try it!

Cashew Cream (Recipe + How to Use it!) (1)

How to Make Cashew Cream

Cashew cream is a simple blend of cashews and water. I like to use raw cashews, because they have a very mild flavor that will be neutral enough to add to almost any recipe.

I typically use a 2:1 ratio of cashews to water when making cashew cream, so that the cream isn’t too runny. You can add more water as needed, 1 tablespoon at a time to help thin it out, but this starting point will give you more options later.

Cashew Cream (Recipe + How to Use it!) (2)

For a runnier cashew cream, you can use even more water, but I recommend adding only 1 tablespoon at a time, until you’re satisfied with the results. Keep in mind that the cream will thicken slightly in the fridge.

Cashew Cream (Recipe + How to Use it!) (3)

Is Cashew Cream the same as Cashew Milk?

Cashew cream is not the same as cashew milk, since the ratio of cashews to water is much higher. You can use cashew cream to make cashew milk, however, by diluting it in water.

To make cashew milk from cashew cream, combine 2 tablespoons of cashew cream in 3/4 cup water and stir well.

How Long Does It Last?

Cashew cream will last for up to 1 week in your fridge. For a longer shelf life, I like to freeze it in ice cube trays.

I add 2 tablespoons of cashew cream into each ice cube slot, so that it’s easy to portion later in recipes. For example, if you need a 1/2 cup of cashew cream for a recipe, you’ll use 4 frozen cubes. They will thaw quickly when you add them to a hot skillet.

Cashew Cream (Recipe + How to Use it!) (4)

Once the ice cubes are frozen, pop them out of the tray and store them in an airtight container for the best flavor. You can store frozen cashew cream for up to 6 months.

What is Cashew Cream a Substitute For?

I use cashew cream as a substitute for coconut milk or coconut cream most often. When a warm recipe calls for coconut cream, like my Instant Pot Butter Chicken or Coconut Curry, you can simply use cashew cream instead.

To replace a full can of coconut milk in a recipe, use this swap:

  • 1/2 cup cashew cream + 1 cup water = 1 can of coconut milk

Note: This substitution works best for warm recipes that aren’t required to thicken up in the fridge.

Cashew Cream (Recipe + How to Use it!) (5)

For recipes that call for coconut milk due to its saturated fat content (which means it hardens when chilled) you’ll still need to add some coconut oil or another solid fat to the cashew cream to get similar results. This will be necessary for recipes like my Vegan Chocolate Frosting or Coconut Milk Ice Cream.

Do you Need to Soak the Cashews?

I recommend soaking your cashews for two reasons. First, it may help reduce the phytic acid that are naturally found in cashews. Phytic acid is considered an anti-nutrient, because it may impair the absorption of certain minerals, like iron and zinc. (source)

The second reason why I recommend soaking your cashews is that it will help soften them, which will make them easier to blend. If you don’t have a powerful blender, like a Vitamix, then soaking is a really good idea.

That being said, you can make cashew cream without soaking the cashews first. I’ve done it when I forget to soak the cashews ahead of time, and it still turns out just fine. You might need to add 1 to 2 tablespoons more water in this case, but start with the recipe as written and add more as needed.

Cashew Cream (Recipe + How to Use it!) (6)

5 Ways to Use Cashew Cream

These are the most common ways I like to use cashew cream.

  • Substitute for coconut milk. See the tips I shared above in this post on how to make the perfect substitute for a can of coconut milk in recipes. This should not be used in a recipe like ice cream, where you need the solid coconut cream from the can, but it works perfectly in recipes like my Thai Chickpea Curry.
  • Coffee Creamer. Cashew cream is thicker than homemade almond milk, so it adds a little more creaminess if you need something in your morning coffee. Try adding a spoonful of cashew cream into black coffee, and then blend it together for extra creaminess. (If you need something that foams for a latte, try my Almond Milk Coffee Creamer instead.)
  • Sour Cream. Add lemon juice and salt to cashew cream to make a tangy, creamy topping you can use over tacos, enchiladas, or chili.
  • Whipped Cream Topping. You can add maple syrup or powdered sugar to this dairy-free cream to make a “whipped cream” topping for fruit or desserts. Keep in mind that the cream will thin-out if you add a liquid sweetener, so if you want to make a big batch of whipped cream, replace some of the water with maple syrup when you blend this cashew cream recipe. I’d recommend using 3 to 4 tablespoons of maple syrup for the whole batch, because cashews are already naturally sweet on their own.
  • Mayo substitute. You can use this cream as the base for a creamy salad dressing. For a fast ranch dressing or dip, add a splash of lemon juice, salt, and your favorite fresh or dried herbs.

Basically, you can stir this cashew cream into anything that might benefit from a little extra creaminess. You could use it in my vegan pasta recipe instead of the hummus!

Cashew Cream (Recipe + How to Use it!) (7)

Cashew Cream (Recipe + How to Use it!) (8)

Cashew Cream Recipe

5 from 2 votes

This Cashew Cream recipe calls for just 2 ingredients and is the perfect way to add creaminess to soups, pasta, salads, and more. It's a dairy-free and vegan staple.

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Prep Time: 5 minutes mins

Cook Time: 0 minutes mins

Total Time: 5 minutes mins

Servings: 16



  • 1 cup (138 grams) raw cashews , soaked in water for 2 hours
  • 1/2 cup water


  • Drain the soaked cashews and rinse them well. If you didn't have time to soak the cashews, this recipe will still work, but it's best if you have a powerful blender. (Soaking helps the cashews soften and break down faster.)

  • Combine the drained cashews with the 1/2 cup of fresh water, and blend until smooth. Stop and scrape down the blender, if needed, until everything is silky-smooth. You can add water, just 1 tablespoon at a time, if needed for a smoother result. This recipe makes roughly 1 cup of cashew cream.

  • Transfer the cream to an airtight container and store it in the fridge to thicken up. You can use it right away, or save it in the fridge for up to a week. For a longer shelf life, pour the cream into ice cube trays so you can easily portion what you need. Frozen cubes will keep in an airtight container in the freezer for up to 6 months.


  • You can cover the cashews with boiling water and let them soak for 10 minutes to get similar results as soaking them for 2 hours with room temperature water.
  • Don't over-soak cashews, or they may become slimy. I like to err on the side of under-soaking them, rather than over soaking.


Calories: 48kcal, Carbohydrates: 3g, Protein: 2g, Fat: 4g, Saturated Fat: 1g, Sodium: 1mg, Potassium: 57mg, Fiber: 1g, Sugar: 1g, Calcium: 3mg, Iron: 1mg

Author: Megan Gilmore

Course: Side Dish

Cuisine: vegan

Keyword: cashew cream

Nutrition information is for roughly 1 tablespoon of cashew cream. Nutrition is automatically calculated, and is just an estimate, not a guarantee.

If you try this recipe, please leave a comment below letting me know how it works for you. I’d love to hear how you use the cashew cream! And if you make any modifications, or have any other brilliant uses for it, I’d love to hear about those, too.

Reader Feedback: What’s your favorite way to use cashews? My famous Cashew Queso and Cashew Butter Cookies are my go-to recipes!

Cashew Cream (Recipe + How to Use it!) (2024)


What is cashew cream good for? ›

Cashew cream is a dairy-free alternative to heavy cream and coconut milk. It's made by soaking then blending raw cashews with water until smooth. It can be used to add creaminess to pastas and soups, make ganache for desserts, or as a thick and creamy base for salad dressings or overnight oats.

What can I eat with cashew cream? ›

Cashew cream can easily be used to amp up other puréed vegetable soups too—try it with cauliflower, mushrooms, sweet potatoes, or butternut squash. Carrots and chickpeas rise to stardom with the help of a bright, herb-spiked cashew cream and added crunch from toasty almonds.

Does cashew cream need to be refrigerated? ›

Store cashew cream in the refrigerator for 5-6 days. You can also freeze cashew cream, simply re-blend or whisk well once it thaws.

Does cashew cream have a taste? ›

What Does Cashew Cream Taste Like? Cashew cream tastes surprisingly unlike cashews. The base recipe tastes like a mix of 10% nuttiness, 30% buttery, and 60% smooth creamy vanilla-y flavor, all while still being neutral enough to work in anything.

Is cashew cream healthier than dairy cream? ›

Compare this to the nutrition information for our Cashew Cream recipe, and you'll see that cashew cream has fewer calories, total fat, saturated fat and sodium. Going by these numbers, cashew cream is healthier than heavy cream.

Does cashew cream thicken when heated? ›

But what about cooking with this ersatz dairy? It turns out that you need to take care in how viscous you make the cashew cream. While true cream gets thinner and more fluid when you heat it because the tiny fat globules that make up more than 35 percent of its bulk melt, cashew cream gets thicker.

Is cashew cream high in cholesterol? ›

High in Magnesium. Cholesterol-Free. Cashews are also a good source of copper, fiber, and healthy monounsaturated fats (necessary—in moderation—for a healthy diet).

Is cashew cream good for diabetics? ›

In addition, cashew milk is lactose-free and therefore has fewer carbs than dairy. Using it in place of cow's milk may help with blood sugar control in those with diabetes.

Does cashew cream whip? ›

The cashew cream will warm up a little while it blends on high to reach the light and smooth consistency resembling dairy whipped cream. Transfer to the fridge to cool. Whip with a fork if it starts to firm up a little as it chills. Store in the fridge covered.

Does cashew cream expire? ›

You can use it right away, or save it in the fridge for up to a week. For a longer shelf life, pour the cream into ice cube trays so you can easily portion what you need. Frozen cubes will keep in an airtight container in the freezer for up to 6 months.

Can I freeze cashew cream? ›

Yes, you can freeze cashew cream! Pour it into a freezer-safe container and store for 4 to 6 months. Defrost in the fridge until thawed (smaller containers defrost quicker). The texture gets a little chunky but the taste is still great.

Is cashew cream the same as cashew milk? ›

No, but they're made with more or less the same ingredients, just in different proportions! Cashew cream uses much less water than cashew milk, which makes it really thick and creamy and a healthier replacement for heavy cream.

What part of the cashew can you not eat? ›

The skin of the cashew fruit does contain some potentially harmful compounds. It is also high in fat and protein, which may be difficult for some people to digest. Too much can cause digestive issues, nausea, and even food poisoning.

What is cashew cream a substitute for? ›

This simple cashew cream is my favorite substitute for heavy cream in both sweet and savory recipes. For non-dairy whipped cream, I generally use full-fat coconut cream, but for every other time I need heavy cream in a recipe that I want to make dairy free, I use this cashew cream.

Why do cashews taste fishy? ›

A slight sweetness is always a good sign of freshness, and while cashews have natural salts, something too salty is likely using preservatives that take away from the quality of the nut. Poor quality cashews are often reported as having a “fishy” taste, and poor cooking methods may lead to a burned flavor.

What does cashew milk do for your body? ›

Rich in antioxidants like lutein and zeaxanthin, cashew milk helps prevent cellular damage to the eyes caused by free radicals. Consuming cashew milk can also reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration (AMD), an eye condition which causes vision loss. It contains zinc, which may help increase immunity.

Is cashew cream heart healthy? ›

Approximately 82% of the fat in cashews is unsaturated fatty acids, 66% of which are heart-healthy monounsaturated fats.

Is cashew butter anti inflammatory? ›

Like many other nuts, nut butters and seeds, cashew butter is high in antioxidants. These useful compounds help to keep your body healthy by reducing the oxidative damage to cells caused by free radicals. This can help reduce inflammation in the body and help reduce the risk of some diseases.


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